E&OE TRANSCRIPT: Small business financial support, vaccine availability, vaccine wastage

05 August 2021

Morning, Susan Templeman, Member for Macquarie. I want to give a description of what it's like in the Blue Mountains and the Hawkesbury right now in lockdown as part of the Greater Sydney lockdown. People's emotions are on a roller coaster. There is confusion, there's frustration, there is even some panic around what's going to happen next. And that's for a number of reasons. One is because of the very poor rollout of the small business support. Now, we have lots of self-employed sole trader partnership, small businesses. I'm not talking about small businesses with a $50 million a year turnover. I'm talking about small business with maybe a 25 or a 45 or $105,000 a year turnover. These businesses have been on the phone to Service NSW trying to access financial support. Remember, this is financial support that is half funded by the Federal Government. Yet as always, the Federal Government has passed off the responsibility for rolling out the money to the State Government - all care, no responsibility - and people of the Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury are suffering because of that. This morning, one of my messages was from someone telling me that she had spent 15 hours on hold to Service NSW in the last week to try and access small business support, only to be told that she wasn't eligible. And why? Because in the Blue Mountains and in the Hawkesbury, we've been through bushfires, we've been through flood. We had the first wave of COVID and people's businesses have changed, the volumes have shifted, and it isn't so easy to have this very strict set of criteria that compares now to two years ago. Businesses have also grown, and it's ironic that the businesses who have survived and grown are being penalised for that. So, these are the sorts of challenges that businesses are facing, and I call on the Federal Government to offer help to New South Wales, so that people do not spend every waking moment thinking about how they can get through to Service NSW, or waiting for a call back from that organisation. It isn't good enough, it is creating more anxiety and more stress than is needed.
The second issue that is causing huge stress to people is accessing the vaccine. Now,  remember this is an area that is in lockdown, the virus has had incursions into our communities, and our community has responded magnificently. They've tested, they've isolated and we've kept the numbers low. But people really want to be vaccinated. What is frustrating is that they cannot find places to be vaccinated. There's not a single hub in my community to be vaccinated. We've had GPs sticking up, doing what they can with the workforce they have and with the supplies that they have. But there is no mass vaccination hub for people to use. That's desperately needed in the Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury, and it's not good enough to say, oh look just hop into Homebush, because that involves us going through far more COVID affected areas. What people are also showing me and telling me about is the failure of the government's own COVID app to try and find an appointment. It's about the COVID website, where you go and check your eligibility and go to book, is about as effective as the COVID tracing app. It's time consuming. What it basically gives you is a list of GPs who you then have to call individually. That is not a way to get this rollout happening effectively and efficiently.
The third issue that we're finding is coming to the fore is the issue that no one really wants to talk about, and that is a waste of vaccines. And I want to talk about the situation that one of my constituents has found herself in, Kirsten. Kirsten was working in a Commonwealth-funded hub to vaccinate aged care workers. At the end of the day, she found that there were vials that were going to be thrown down the drain. And as the Chief Medical Officer in NSW, Dr Kerry Chant says, we should not be wasting, this stuff is precious, it should not be put down the drain. So what Kirsten did was think, okay, who can we give this to? She called on family members she knew would be eligible for it. For that she's been sacked. Now, that in itself is one side of the issue. The really big issue is why isn't there a plan for what happens at the end of the day when vials are open? Why are they being thrown down the drain? More importantly, how many are being thrown down the drain? How many vials are being wasted? Where is the transparency about this rollout? We have no idea how many individuals waiting in a queue, remembering it can take four to eight weeks to even get an appointment, if you're one of my constituents, to get Pfizer and AstraZeneca is taking a long time as well. They want to know why couldn't we have given that to people who would no longer be in the queue? These are just basic issues of competence. How does this Federal Government justify creati

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