Stronger Communities Grants - Expressions of Interest

Stronger Communities Grants - Expressions of Interest Main Image

Round 9 of the popular Stronger Communities Programme is now open! (CLICK HERE) 

This grant funding is aimed at community groups and not for profit organisations, for small projects that can be delivered within 6 months. Please note that longer-term infrastructure and capital works projects are not suited to this grant round.

Projects should be aimed at infrastructure and equipment that will deliver social benefits to our local communities. Your grant request must be between $2,500 and $20,000. The maximum cost of your project cannot exceed $50,000.

In this round, $150,000 will once again be available for up to 20 projects in the Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains.
The program has three important steps:
1. You submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via my website;
2. My community panel and I review the projects and make recommendations to the Department; and,
3. Groups whose projects are recommended for funding then receive a formal invitation to apply.

If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact the Office of Susan Templeman MP on 4573 8222 or [email protected]
If your project is not within the Federal Division of Macquarie as per the 2022 Federal Election (i.e. Blue Mountains or Hawkesbury Local Government Areas), it will not be eligible for nomination in Macquarie. Instead, you will need to provide an Expression of Interest to the MP for the Federal Electorate in which your project will be undertaken.

This Expression of Interest form will ask you about the details of your organisation, and specific detail about the project you are seeking funding for. Please have this information ready as you cannot save the form and return to it at a later date.
Depending on your browser, you might see a message inviting you to sign in to google either before or during completion of this form. Please note that you are not required to do this in order to fill in the form.
Please submit your Expression of Interest by 5pm Friday 21 February 2025.